Resultados: 4

Validation of a questionnaire on the use of Interactive Response System in Higher Education

Objetivo: this study aims to design and validate a questionnaire to measure the students' perception of the use of IRS as a technopedagogical resource in the classroom. Method: a 24 items questionnaire (Interactive Response System for the Improvement of the Teaching-Learning Process) was designed ad hoc...

Entrepreneurial tendency of Nursing students: a comparison between graduating beginners and undergraduate students

Objective: to compare the entrepreneurial tendency between beginner and graduating students from undergraduate Nursing courses. Method: this is a cross-sectional and quantitative research study. Data was collected from 377 Nursing students from four undergraduate Nursing courses in different Brazilian r...

Nursing professor in higher education: time, money and resistance in the management vision

ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze university teaching in nursing from an institutional dialectic approach. Method: a qualitative research based on Institutional Socioclinics. Eighteen nursing professors from four regions of Brazil and from six public institutions of higher education participated. For data...

Condições que levam docentes enfermeiros a assumir cargos de gestão universitária

REME rev. min. enferm; 22 (), 2018
Objetivo: compreender as condições que levam os enfermeiros docentes de uma universidade pública a assumirem os cargos de gestão universitária. Método: pesquisa qualitativa com aporte teórico-metodológico na teoria fundamentada nos dados. O cenário do estudo foi uma universidade pública federal...